Lose weight with Ballet Workout
To join the Ballet Workout classes for adults in Antwerp you do not need to have a ballerina body. Of course you want your body to be tighter, healthier and fitter through weekly classes. These tips will help you get more physical benefits from your classes.
1) Drink Lots of Water: Drink plenty throughout the day and especially during class.
2) Come on foot or by bike: Do you live near the Ballet Workout locations? Try to use the car as little as possible to burn more fat.
3) Breathing exercises: Research shows that you burn fat by breathing. Be aware of your breathing throughout the day and in class. Breathing correctly and deeply is good for your overall health and helps you burn fat.
4) Love yourself: Look at yourself in the mirror with love. Don’t be too hard on yourself and try to love your body through dance and music more and more each class. Positive affirmations when you look at yourself in the mirror will help you emotionally and psychologically. You come to the Ballet Workout out of love and care for your body. Be grateful to your body.
5) Don’t stuff yourself after class: According to etiquette, you should leave the table feeling slightly hungry. May sound strange, but the idea is that you don’t stuff yourself with every meal. This is in fact very unhealthy for your body and digesting the food also takes a huge amount of energy from your body. After a workout it is best to eat a piece of fruit (apple) so that by the time you get home you can better control the feeling of hunger. A dinner of protein such as chicken, fish, turkey or red meat and greens are perfect. Try not to eat carbs in the evening.
By implementing these tips (especially the last two) you will soon notice a difference.
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Lots of love x Tatevik Mkrtoumian